10 Killer Ecommerce Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business

If you want to take your e-commerce business to the next level, you need a solid marketing strategy. Here are 10 proven tactics to get more traffic, leads, and, of course, most importantly, sales.

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1. Focus on Organic Social Media

One of the best free marketing channels is organic social media. Build your brand on platforms like X (formally Twitter) or Instagram through high-quality content, collaborations, and consistency. Use your analytics to recreate top-performing content types that resonate most with your audience.

2. Build an Email List

An email list is marketing gold since you own the channel. Have a sign-up collection box somewhere on your site or install signup popups on your website to collect emails in exchange for an incentive like a discount code. Send regular email blasts, at least weekly, to stay top of mind. Set up automated flows like welcome and abandoned cart sequences.

3. Increase Average Order Value

Encourage customers to spend more by offering bundled packages or complementary products at a discounted rate. Upsell higher quantities, cross-sell related products, or create bundles around themes like a "self-care kit."

4. Work with Micro-Influencers

Micro-influencers are affordable ways to tap into highly engaged, niche audiences. Seek out relevant influencers with authentic connections to their followers. Gift products in exchange for sponsored posts.

5. Content Marketing

Blogging and content marketing attract new visitors through SEO. Research high-volume keywords and create useful, informative content around those topics. Repurpose content across platforms.

6. Showcase Customer Reviews

User-generated content in the form of customer reviews, photos, and testimonials builds trust and social proof. The more you can highlight real customer experiences, the more credible your brand appears.

7. Run Viral Giveaways

Giveaways are great for quickly growing your email subscriber list. Use platforms that encourage entrants to share and refer friends for more entries. Offer desirable prizes that appeal to your target demographic.

8. Text Message Abandoned Carts

Text messages have incredibly high open rates. Follow up on abandoned carts via SMS which is more immediate than email. Remind customers about items left in their cart and maybe offer a discount code.

9. Create Effective Video Ads

Video content performs extremely well on X, Facebook and Instagram. Use captions, highlight your product benefits, include social proof elements, and end with a strong Call to Action and offer.

10. Analyse and Refine

Continuously analyse your marketing performance and refine based on results. Double down on tactics that are working well and cut those that aren't delivering ROI. Optimisation is key.

There you have it: 10 marketing strategies to help boost your e-commerce business. Try implementing several at once to maximise the impact. Feel free to reach out with any questions!


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