World Bee Day 20th May: How You Can Help the Bees from Your Garden

On the 20th May 2023, we mark World Bee Day. It's time to shed light on the vital role bees play in our ecosystem and what we can do to protect them. Here's a guide on how you can convert your garden into a bee haven.

A honeybee hovering over vibrant wildflowers in a garden

Bees are not just producers of the sweet honey we love; they are fundamental for biodiversity and food production, acting as key pollinators for many of our favourite fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, bees worldwide are under threat, primarily due to habitat loss, climate change, and harmful pesticides.

Transforming Your Garden into a Bee Sanctuary

  • Plant Bee-Friendly Flowers: Bees are attracted to a variety of flowers, but they especially love native wildflowers, lavender, sunflowers, and blossoms. Plant these in your garden to provide ample food sources for bees.
  • Ditch the Pesticides: Chemical pesticides can harm bees. Instead, opt for organic methods of pest control. If you must use a pesticide, select one that is least harmful to bees and apply it late in the day when bees are less active.
  • Provide Fresh Water: Just like us, bees need water to survive. Place shallow dishes with fresh water and pebbles (so they don't drown) around your garden.
  • Create Bee Hotels: Solitary bees (non-hive dwellers) need places to nest. By installing a bee hotel — a simple wooden structure filled with hollow tubes — you can provide a home for these bees.
  • Let Your Garden Grow Wild: Instead of a manicured lawn, let parts of your garden grow wild. Long grass, wildflowers, and untouched spots provide perfect nesting sites for bees.



Q: Why are bees important?

A: Bees play a crucial role in pollination, which is vital for food production. Without bees, many plants we depend on for food would struggle to reproduce.

Q: How can I attract more bees to my garden?

A: Planting bee-friendly flowers, providing fresh water, and creating bee-friendly habitats can attract more bees to your garden.

Q: Are all bees honey producers?

A: No, not all bees produce honey. Out of over 20,000 species of bees, only a few, like the honeybee, produce honey.

Q: What should I do if a bee lands on me?

A: Stay calm and still. Bees generally only sting when they feel threatened. If the bee doesn't fly away on its own, gently brush it off with a piece of paper.



World Bee Day is a reminder of the significant role bees play in our ecosystem. By making small changes in our gardens, we can make a big difference in supporting these essential pollinators. This year, let's celebrate World Bee Day by turning our gardens into bee-friendly habitats, contributing to the preservation of these incredible creatures and, ultimately, the health of our planet.


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